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RE: 12 of the Most Annoying Online Behaviour and Personality Types

in #psychology7 years ago

Someone was criticizing people who ask questions that they should be able to find the answer to themselves. Some people think that they are so smart, dumbness annoys them. But since no one is smart in every way, they should think of what they are lacking - such as compassion, empathy, and understanding. If the ones they are referring to are truly just lazy, then maybe they need to learn how to encourage rather than belittle.


Great point. It is easy to do that! I think everyone gets frustrated with people - I have done it myself quite a few times but you are right we need to be conscious of not being nasty to people. I think this is partly a problem of being online - tempers tend to become shorter and it becomes harder to empathise.

I experienced this on another blog.