It Was Like I Had the Zoo All to Myself...

in #psychology6 years ago





At Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo: It was like for a moment I had the zoo all to myself - I got there at 12:45 and only a few families were around. It was heavily snowing, the grounds were unplowed and so - the zoo was quiet. To me it was bizarre. Usually these places are crowded and loud, but this afternoon it seemed like it was just me and the animals. I was 30 minutes early - waiting to meet up with a family from a kindergarten I use to work at, and asked myself "What do I do? What do I see?" my only motivation was to see the kids - I had no desire to see the animals. I love animals, but zoos aren't my thing.

Though funnily enough when I was with the kids we got to see polar bears play-fighting, penguins swimming (one especially seemed to enjoy rubbing his stomach on the window glass), a lion walking around, and seals eating. We got to see all of this up close -- last time I was at the zoo these animals were either sleeping or in corners. It seemed like with the lack of people around the animals were more active. I felt like I was VIP or got special access to see all of this.

It was cool to see the moments of animals innocently expressing themselves. Made me look at who we are or could be in those moments when we are given the space, freedom, and time to just "be." No pressure, no expectations from anyone or anything - just you being you doing what you do in a way that is best for you.

Have a good one, Steemians!

Photos from my instagram: