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RE: Curiouser and Curiouser: Why Alice's Wild Trip Still Intrigues Us!

in #psychology7 years ago

Earlier today an ITS Engineer quoted lines from The Walrus and the Carpenter to me in conversation, naturally I responded with a stanza from The Jabberwocky, of course. And now this post. Curiouser and curiouser! What a brillig day.

"Was she actually on drugs?"

Well Charles Dodgson Carroll almost certainly would have encountered opiates, which at the time of his life were as common as aspirin and used just as liberally. However he wrote AIW on a boat with the Liddell children (one of whom was called Alice), so it's highly unlikely he was under their influence while he did so.

But there was ample inspiration all around him in the society of the day, behaviourally and otherwise.

Thanks for the serendipity, your AIW post made a topsie turvie day go all sidewaysie.


Thank you for the insightful comment! I don't think Alice would have been on any drug recreationally, but if she were troubled parents had a tendency back then to give their kids drugs or booze as a form of medication. But I find your theory more plausible.


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