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RE: Insignificant

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

That was interesting post and of course wonderful photographs of magnificient Alps. But back to your questions bragging, I remember as a child we did on on daily basis, because the children say what they think and I remember how we were telling that to our friends and comparing who what has and which one has better this or that thing.

Since we get older it is conscious and we are more careful we know what to tell and in front of who we could be open and where we should be ourselves. Of course, we bragging and I know to myself, once I create something that I think successful it is my family who I tell about because this is a little happiness moment that we want to share, so sometimes it is more to share your happy moment with someone rather recognition. Sometimes when my hubby while doing restoration of his cars or now of old house, of course I am proud of that and telling to all my friends and family. I believe that is just the happy moments that we want to share and nothing too bad :)

There is a russian quote fits to this topic:
if you don't blow your own horn, no one will do it for you


hmmm.. it must be a cultural thing
where I came from, we're hushed when we do that when we were kids
I also find it comfortable to do some bragging with my husband
as for the outside world, it somehow makes you think you might get judged or misunderstood if you do that so many of us step on our breaks unless unconsciously, it's really broken :D