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RE: The lies we believe

One of my favorite aphorisms comes from a perennial recommendation, Mark Twain, who averred that it is far easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled. It is an endemic feature of humanity that our eusociality drives acculturation empowering successful intersocietal conflict. War is a particularly profound feature of our species, and public grasp of forces that affect our behaviour extremely tenuous at best, while vital to entities effecting societal control.

Given the ongoing consolidation of society, it is of extraordinary import as institutional power is increased by orders of magnitude by this consolidation, and individuals less eusocial are highly likely to be increasingly negatively impacted going forward as this process completes. Even for highly eusocial segments of society, it is unlikely this transcendental transfer of power to institutions will result in positive consequences, as the more eusocial an individual is, the fewer resources are required to encourage their production.

In other words, ordinary folks are probably going to suffer a reduced quality of life as institutional power increases in competence to parasitize their production as a result of reduced intersocietal competition, and this is driven by eusociality, which is the tendency to believe, say, and do what society, as effected by it's overlords, prefers rather than to use reason and data to seek individual benefits.

Genocide and inquisitions are demonstrably potential and publicly available information indicates that a central plank of global societal consolidation is population reduction to ~a billion or less. This does not paint a pretty picture for me of our short term future.



The fabric of society is always in a flux state, it is just that in the past it used to be much more localized. Through our new ability to communicate and message en masse globally, the ability to align behaviors across wide and diverse groups means that the shifts move faster with more spread.

There have always been hierarchies based on resources, currently the most valuable mine is that of data.