Punishing People for Talking About What Happened to Them

Eric Clapton has recently released a song called ‘This Has Gotta Stop’. It's about his newfound stance against worldwide vaccine mandates.


“This has gotta stop,

Enough is enough

I can’t take this BS any longer.

“It’s gone far enough

If you wanna claim my soul

You’ll have to come and break down this door.”

He's obviously against them, and this is due to his recent experience of blindly believing the propaganda pushed out by the government and media. He believed everything they said, and took the injections without actually looking into them himself. As a result, he became another victim of vaccine injury.

After being vaccine injured, he was in a poor health condition where he thought he would never play musical instruments again. He spoke out about what happened to him and blame the obvious injection for what happened to him.

What came after was a surprise to him, but intense media backlash with numerous TV reports an article in the Rolling Stones picking on him and demeaning what happened to him.

They didn't care about what actually happened, as the whole mainstream mindset is a conglomeration of mind control, brainwashing and conditioning designed to adhere to a religious orthodoxy of the narrative put forth by various authorities.

Clapton believed what he was told. He even got hurt by the first one but believe the propaganda so well, just like everyone else is so brainwashed that he took the second one and got disabled for a while. Speaking about the injury the whole world came down on him and gaslighted him and vilified him for speaking out about what happened to him.

He dared to speak up about it and the vicious lower consciousness people couldn't handle reality contradicting their fantasy.

“For me, the purpose of talking about my experience with the vaccine was so that someone in a room somewhere who was suffering side effects knew that he wasn’t the only one — because in England, nobody knows. If you talk to somebody about the Yellow Card system, which is the reportage of side effects, most people don’t even know it exists. It’s criminal, you know, that it has been withheld.”

He's trying to bring awareness to what can happen to you and how the facts of these harmful side effects are being ignored and downright denied.


For me Eric Clapton is among the 10 best musicians, for me the number 1 is michael jackson, although they are very different styles. What do you think?