War is Stupid

in #putin2 years ago (edited)

Putin sends in 200,000 Russian soldiers to fight the so-called Azov Brigade of 900 men…

900 …

10% of which are said to be NEO Nazis….

So 90 NEO Nazis ..

Members of the battalion came from 22 countries and are of various backgrounds. In 2017, the size of the regiment was estimated at more than 2,500 members, but was estimated to be 900 members in 2022…. Andriy Diachenko, a spokesman for the Azov Brigade, told USA Today that 10% to 20% of the group's members are Nazis.

So Putin sends in 200,000 of his Elite Russian Troops to find these 90 so called Neo Nazis…

They are said to be hiding in Mariupol.

Putin flattens Mariupol killing at least 20,000 innocent Ukrainians …

But so far Putin is unable to find a single Neo Nazi.

Meanwhile an estimated 40,000 Russian Soldiers have been killed so far and another 100,000 soldiers are injured.


Why are so many Russian Tanks Spontaneously exploding ?

It’s a big mystery.

Nope. It’s the Tesla Death Ray.

Check it out.


Now that's something we agree on lol