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RE: PYPT is Returning October 7th

in #pypt3 years ago

Girlfriend! So good to see that you are bringing back this epic program! You are the bomb and one of the original gangster (OG) ladies of STEEM/HIVE. One day, if I am not trying to smuggle green beans into Canada, I would love to have a cafecito with you and talk about old times.

As always, blessings and groovy vibes to you and your kitties. Here is some !PIZZA for all of you (I guess the kitties might like the crust?).


Well,currently, you can enter Canada, I can't enter the US. Not that I'm travelling any where these days. And yes, leave the damn green beans at home!

Ms Hobo would go for the cheese if she could and Ms Tramp ... she'd run and hide cause she'd be sure that pizza stuff is a threat.

Here is some !PIZZA just for being awesome.