Morning After Couy Griffin's Trial - NOT ALLOWED on YT

in #qanon2 years ago
Authored by @Chadwick

[Picture kept failing to upload here]

The morning after, Couy Griffen won his trial on a split decision. Couy woke up in Trump Tower and said, "Let's do a live stream and update the people." We streamed it on YouTube for greater reach. Though YouTube did indeed take down the video, give me a strike, and suspend me from the platform. It was archived to the Odysee platform as I was streaming to YT.

The Mockingbird media wants you to believe he lost his trial and is a guilty man. No, he won his trial on a mixed decision. One count of disorderly conduct: found NOT GUILTY.
The count of knowing he was in a restricted area will be appealed; this is not over, as you will see in the link above.

Truth Always Prevails

@q7southerncharms @frankbacon @customcog @newparadigmtt @wehmoen @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steampress @steampeak @steamityourway @steam-plus @travis.ebarb @austinsteinbart


Ask Couy about my FolkS

seriously (bacon)