They may literally be your brother.
Also a solid chance they’ve frustrated you to biblical levels along the red pill trail.
Truthing can be treacherous.
At some point you found the courage to approach a loved one or even a stranger in an attempt to ally with them.
To share what you had seen and heard.
The things you now knew to be horrific and true and dammit something had to be done.
Your truth.
That shared house on fire. You had to wake them!
Let’s talk about those red pill successes. You were the voice that opened their eyes to the fire. The first hand they had to reach for. Your red pilled. You did it for them, right? Is it possible you did it to them as well?
Taking occasional pause to reflect on our efforts to wake others is critical for our own peace. Things are moving now at a tilt and an awakening of truth is about to explode. This is no time to forget where we have come from and how painful the journey was for us individually.
You woke up to see the house was on fire once.
Remember the terror?
Now they are awake.
Will you be more than just their fire alarm? Are you now the firefighter?
Get them out of the structure and hand them off to the EMT?
Some you will want to drive all the way to the hospital and comfort them bedside to health.
Families will be reunited in pain, joy, and healing. There will be forgiveness and absolution. The relationships that our enemies took from us will be there to be had again. Whether those relationships are worth salvaging after the dust settles will be up to the individual. Might be worth an inventory.
Which of your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers path to truth do you share responsibility for?
Nobody asked you to strip away their illusions. Many of them didn’t even know the term “red pill” let alone understand what you meant when you used it. Some took it as our arrogance that we held knowledge that we had info they didn’t. Sometimes we were arrogant in self defense. You remember how frustrating it was. Our loved ones buying that deliberate placed myth that we wanted everything to be true. The condescension.
The point is they never asked you for any of this.
They finally realize you never actually wanted it either.
This is your red pilled.
We all told our truths differently.
Our outreach efforts varied greatly in scope, duration, focus, and methods. There were no how to books written for telling truth. Coordination was elusive. Fields heavily mined with subversion and traps. Whatever our path. Whichever the method. No matter our level of self measured success. We all advanced truth with the varied means and skills available to us.
They are going to want to lean on you. The fact that you cared enough to use your means to advance truth during these times means you care about their well being. Since you did it to them they are going to have a reasonable expectation of you to assist in their regaining balance. It is a responsibility.
We have already sacrificed much in this fight. Nothing requires us to accept every burden.
Every single one of us is familiar with the pain of having to bring some absolutely crazy sounding information to people we love and respect. In a world where everything bombarding our target of love told them we were reprehensible for our efforts.
We took abuse.
Whether you have been advancing truth for decades or only new to the joy of actually entertaining victory in this battle doesn’t matter. You took hits. There was abuse from loved ones you thought would never turn on you. I think we all have that friend we thought felt certainty they would see the logic of what we were bringing to them. Then having them turn agent against us for our efforts. Those folks that we knew we had so much time and shared experience together with there was no way they wouldn’t at least hear us out. Those often turned the most abusive.
A good time for inventory.
A worldwide truth movement has arrived and if you do not share my confidence today you will soon.
You are under no obligation to red pill everybody you know.
The truth is gong to be in front of them.
They will have to wake up to the fire at the foot of their bed.
They will be terrified.
It is the truth that they have feared all along.
Our loved ones and friends still holding out at this point are going to be the highest of maintenance when it comes to the awakening. Those being the most abusive to you now are absolutely the most fearful of what is about to come.
They are going to be a complete wreck.
It is time to cut them loose.
For your own peace.
Somebody else will pick them up. There will be another to help them. At this point, it is in a truther’s self preservation interests to cut ties with those most resistant to the truth.
The narrative defenders.
Those who signal virtue but do not see truth as virtuous.
Those who replaced their higher power with the state and television mythologies.
As to the question of whether you are the keeper of those you awoke?
We all truthed differently and truthing is a deeply personal journey.
I won’t presume to answer that for you.
I will emphatically suggest you ask the question of yourself.
I do consider myself to be a keeper of those I have red pilled.
It is a lot of responsibility but I, like you, love those I attempt to bring truth to. God has now blessed me with a vast healthy family of the newly and the long awake. Without them, these words would not be here. There would be no need.
As soon as a loved one or a stranger thanks me for bringing truth to them I want to be there for them for as long as I can however I can.
I love everybody I know and most I do not.
I am not carrying them all across the finish line.
Time to make some decisions. It is time for truthers to free themselves of the attacks. There is a thirst for this information and a community easily accessible to you that will listen. Any holdouts now will have truth forced on them by somebody else or some other circumstance. Let them be their keeper.
You deserve to protect yourself right now. The truth movement also needs you to rest wherever you can. Expending energy suffering abuse and derision is not serving them or you. Or us. It is their downfall to deal with.
We need your energy for the awakening efforts.
To lead. To teach. To story tell. To heal. To love.
Consider who you want to be responsible for.
Those who deride you in your efforts now aren’t likely the ones that would come to you to salve the massive psychic wounds they have coming anyways. Some of them call you a friend while considering you spectacle.
We may have an obligation to those we red pill but we are not required to red pill anybody.
Save yourself untold and unnecessary painful obligations.
Consider cutting loose the truthing targets who make it hard for you today.
Even if you consider them a brother.
Tomorrow will bring you all of the awake hearts and minds you can possibly keep.
Likely more.