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RE: Does society prefer 'Dumb & Rich' to 'Wise & Poor?'

in #questions3 years ago (edited)

Thanks for leaving me a ticket at will call dude. I almost went to the other show about dude who gets disappointed over content values between one and the next so he compares himself to Elon Musk.

Problem with that is genre. Comedy won't work, Musk used all his funny to make friends, now it looks like he wants to be taken seriously so I'd file it under docography.

I saw a good docography recently about a fantasy world where everyone who is not a leader follows the right leader. Shit was cræzy!!!!!!! Followers are supposed to outnumber leaders, no Scorsese there, the twist is when no one follows a douche bag.

Speaking of Doge, I'm pretty fuckin upset about the whole thing myself. When two people I've known forever who know zero about cryptocurrency and I know they know zero about cryptocurrency ring me within hours of each other telling me about their Dodge portfolio and how "Elon's going to be on Saturday Night Live! Dogie to the moon!" Instead of teaching them how to spLeL Doge and asking since when did they have Elon Musk on a first name basis, I shoulda sold!! But N҉o҉0҉o҉O҉O҉0҉o҉o҉ I waited til 49k instead and now I got everyone thinkin I'm a pissed off blogger. Those are the worst!



My pleasure man, always a ticket for ya. :)

That other show does sound pretty baller, maybe it's worth checking out? :P

Comedy-turned-docography, indeed.

And duuuude, hook me up with the name of that show... zero douche-following? I'd pay to watch that :)

Hey man, I don't know about you, but it sounds like you dodged a bullet... I imagine your teachings would have fallen on deaf ears. 😁

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