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RE: Does society prefer 'Dumb & Rich' to 'Wise & Poor?'

in #questions3 years ago

Honestly, I think Elon is acting dumb because he is one of the sharpest minds on earth. Maybe he doesn't know too much about crypto and blockchain but he isn't stupid for sure. Most probably he was trying to appease a particular section of the society and got burned in return by Bitcoin Maximalists. It was a good thing to happen.

So I'm curious... when someone has wisdom, insight, or helpful conversation to offer society, do you think people should recognize it and elevate them?

YES! And I also think that the speaker should be responsible for his influence. He has the power to make or break someone's life so it gets risky there.

And do you think society is missing out on important voices and ideas while they chase inaccurate (albeit accomplished) influencers?

Society will always go with the numbers. Elon has so many followers on Twitter and that's why he has the power to move the markets. It's a shame though. We don't learn.


That view does make a lot of sense. What are the chances this man, who has gotten to where he is today, isn't sharp and well-aware of what he's doing?

Well, hopefully society agrees with you and draws more attention to wisdom-speakers, whether platformed or not. Also, good counter-point regarding influencer-responsibility!

Society will always go with the numbers.

This is a peculiar choice, but I do agree with your observation that that is indeed, what society tends to do.

#LetUsLearn :) 🙏