It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. (Tom Brokaw)

in #quote25 days ago

What kind of impact do you have on the world and the people around you? What would people write on your tombstone if you died today? Would you be a person all about yourself and what's going on in your life, or are you one who cares and lives for other people?

I don't like the question, because I don't really feel good asking it. Why is that? I might be successful in some ways, and when I tell people that I make some money with crypto daily, they might think... wow, that is awesome. But, in the end, who cares? It is easy to earn some money, but does your life make a difference in the life of other people? Do you add value to the people around you, or do you just live in your own little world and that is all you can see?

Source: Bing Designer

A big question is, how can I start making a difference? Well, you don't even need to start with people. You can look at your surroundings and start picking up garbage (and maybe earn some crypto in the process with VeBetterDao), you can use your talents at creating content that adds value to those reading it, or you can think that you want to say something nice and encouraging to at least one person daily.

It is challenging, but life isn't really about ourselves, but we are here to add value to others. Just think about it, Jesus didn't come to earth for his own sake, but for the sake of others. I believe his example is one we should follow!