
in #quotes2 years ago

i wouldn't really call this a post its just a few quotes/advice that people should read

it doesn't matter what happens too you what matter is what are u gonna do about it.

when it feels scary too jump in that's exactly when u jump in.

surround yourself with people that wanna see you win.

as u go on and become successful you'll start too loose friends that's why a Lamborghini has two seats.

when people tell you that you cant do this or that prove them wrong don't let people ruin your dreams.

you must tell yourself no matter how hard it is or how hard it gets your gonna make it.

if u want too fly you've gotta let go of the things that are weighing you down.

a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

don't ruin a good day thinking about a bad day.

if you feel like your loosing a lot of friends remember successful people always have a small circle.

nobody is gonna push you too become successful other then yourself.

never loose hope you never know what tomorrow may bring.

stop thinking about what can go wrong think about what can go right.

work hard in silence let your success be your noise.

that's everything i hope some of these help people


The hard part to life, Is remembering those things in the moment.