The Power of Water by Nature or Force.

in #qurator3 years ago (edited)

The power of water interesting topic it can be elaborated in many ways by nature , force or well being in my opinion i like seeing the power of water in it's natural ways forming it's own way and choosing it's own paths , formations and beauties and one example of this which , i love most and you can see almost everyday if you live by a beach like me is the power of the water coming in crashing against the rocks giving you always the most spectacular sounds of the powerful crashing water and then comes the calming sounds of the water , i could sit by the ocean all day long watching this effect of the power of the water.





Then we have the amazing waterfalls all around the world that bring us the most spectacular shows illustrating the roaring and crashing power of water as it drops for several meters of the edges of all these rivers running through theses mountain valley rivers.





Amazing power of water how it drives humans on there surfboards sending them propelling along the edges of theses powerful force of water waves.




The power of water bring us one very important need that mankind could undoubtedly not live without and that is the power of electricity which is devolved from the power of water so as you can see the power of water serves the world and mankind in many necessary ways were would we be without the power of water.




Hoover Dam and Power Station in Arizona , America.





Qurator's Photo Quest | The Power of Water by @qurator






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Thank you @ecency 👍

WOW, that was beautiful. I love nature more then a fish love water. I think water is magic. My show the rainbow picture to my sister and she said she love rainbow.

That is so good that you love nature and so happy your sister liked the rainbow 😉

Have a great day sisters and hope your friends come and play with you soon 👍

oh this topic is just to the point
me and my son were watching youtube videos about nature power, and there were mych info about tsunami. Oh, it was scaring both for him and me. He saw them for the 1st time in his life, thanks god only in the screen, but I am shocked any time. Nature is unbelievably beautiful but how scaring it can be...

Thank you @taliakerch as you say "Nature is unbelievably beautiful but how scaring it can be..." and a tsunami is definitely one you don't want to be caught up in.

Thanks for dropping by and you have a great day 😉

oh yes...especially if water is my phobia;)

Wow fantastic shots.. Like I was there...

Very nice theme for a photo collection, there is some tremendous power in water indeed :) Watching giant waves crushing on rocks is probably my favorite form of observation this phenomenon :)

Thank you @phortun you are spot on love watching and hearing the sounds of crashing waves 👍