Nature's textures

in #qurator3 years ago

Don't remember last time I joined @qurator's Photo Quest! Some of the subjects are beyond my photo archive, and I tend to let time pass and not join in in the ones I can; this one won't escape me thow, and this week's theme is Textures.

These one were taken in my recent vacations to south of Portugal; and I probably wouldn't have captured these textures on camera if wasn't for a friend of mine, that does customisation of action figures and found the setting good for an idea he had, and asked me to take some photos for him to remember!


The hardened mud with cracks, still bathed by the water, sure looks like a cool setting for an action figures set!


This was the full picture, and if you follow my blog you probably guessed why wasn't I looking at the ground. Cool photos to be made, for sure...


But here, the cool things for my camera were a little bit above the ground!


Where there is water, there is life; and here, most of the life was my favourite kind: the one with wings!


It's always good to have different perspectives, thow; the flamingos were awesome, but the ground photos look cool too, and it was good to have another pair of eyes with me, paying attention to the things I normally ignore... such as textures! 🙂


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