Upcoming Maintenance: A Server Migration

in #rabona2 years ago

Hello all! This is a short announcement, that we will be doing yet another maintenance for Rabona.

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Yet another?!

That's right. We had some of these maintenances lately, and this one will be the next one—and we hope it will be the last one, as well! 🚀 At least for the foreseeable future.

But why?

We have been receiving a lot of feedback recently about the issues with Rabona performance. As the time goes on, the game becomes more resource-hungry—that is a normal thing. The database grows in size, there's many more matches to simulate as new users join, and so on.

Recently we have taken many steps to improve the performance and usability of Rabona. We started with a database migration to a more powerful server, and now we will be moving our services (like the frontend and the APIs) to a brand new, upgraded server as well.

What to expect?

On February 27th, after the last match of the current 67th season, we will start migrating services to a new server.

The very process should take no more than 15 minutes, but it will require us to change our DNS settings for rabona.io domain and its subdomains.

This means that some users there could be temporary issues with accessing Rabona, or your browser might show a warning regarding an invalid SSL certificate for the domain.

We want to emphasize that these issues will be temporary, and should automatically resolve, usually within a few minutes—worst case scenario a few hours.

What should I do?

There is nothing particular that you should do in preparation for this maintenance. Rabona should work properly in most cases, and if any issues arise, they should be temporary.

Having said that, we do recommend everyone to ensure that you renew your players' contract before the end of the season 🔁, ideally before or just after the last match of the season.

What's next?

This maintenance is the last step in ensuring that Rabona is ready to scale up and receive many more features in the future! 🎉 There should also be an increase in the game's performance.

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🗨️ Join and contribute to the Rabona Official Feedback Board

As outlined we are very happy to have the feedback board now and saw a lot great contributions from you guys already, thanks for that! The suggestions will keep us busy for the next 24 months at least. This really helps a lot to listen to the community feedback and take it into account in roadmaps.

The Feedback Board is available at https://rabona.nolt.io. You can post suggestions, vote on suggestions of others, and discuss any of the suggestions to add your voice—and feel free to do so!

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If you have any questions, join our Discord Server, use the comments below or add suggestions to the Rabona Feedback Board.

Thanks to all supporters of Rabona!

— Your Rabona Team: @rondras, @mciszczon and @uwelang


Next week (in around 6 days, usually at Friday's at 9PM NZT - 8AM UTC currently) @atexoras.pub will start doing some donations of players continuously in parallel with the other NFT's supported by the Hive-Engine games. =)

Now, back to minting more players =P

Keep up the awesome work! Sharing with the HiveHustlers community so that they know what's up!

It's true that sometimes it's a little long to submit its formation for the next match. It's cool to see that the game is improving day after day 👍

Preparation for the next Season is
very important. Because the players
salaries is high at the beginning of
new season. I love this game. But
some of the player name is a lot
in this game "Jon Doe"😅.