in #rage4 years ago

Be advised this is probably gonna make your blood boil. Fair warning.


    I came across this on Twitter and am livid. There was a user that was agreeing with the mothers narrative but most can see that the kick was very much deliberate.

    I put together this gif but, if for whatever reason you wanna see the thread, here is is:


    I see a number of people advocating for violence against the boy. I can most certainly understand this having two small daughters myself but I also hope that redemption. Can be found in the situation and the boy be reformed.

    Apparently, the father gets out of jail in 20 days and hope he will be administering some heavy duty corporal punishment. Find a good switch and have it. Or in my culture, the dreaded chancla.

    To take the edge off your blood that is probably boiling, here's a nice video about La Chancla.

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It was his turn to be boss, and that is what he chose to do with his new found powers.

Did you see the lady cop with the wrist strength of a worm?
6 shots miss the dude at point blank range with both hands on the weapon!

I'm wondering how many bedroom/living room windows she broke with all those misses.

Somebody needs some remedial marksmanship training.😲

Also, never underestimate an assailant with a knife. He closed that distance rather quickly. She is lucky as hell

She is lucky as hell.
I bet she hits the next one,...

When the distance is that close, I think even I would get nervous as a gun wielder.

Damn, that kid needs some good beating

He clearly didn't get enough chancla growing up.

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