The Daily Meme #545!


Not all of us get 'good' parents.
Some of us start gifted, others start out perservering.
To expect the same results is unrealistic.

Not that each is not responsible for their own decisions, just that some of us get off on the wrong foot and have to figure out things for ourselves that come natural to others.

Add in that I can't tell you right from wrong for you, only what my experience has been, you have to decide for you what is right, and wrong.
Looking for a one size fits all outcome is again not realistic.

We are each individuals, we can abdicate that sovereignty, but we can't escape the fact of it.

You have to decide for you when you have had enough, and what you are going to do about it.


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Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that force us to pay them so they can play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.
'Aint that fresh?'

Metal in your own possession will always have more intrinsic value than digits on a bankster's ledger.

What's so civil about war, anyway?

Hunter's song

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?

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Billy Jack, the movie.
The Trial of Billy Jack.
Billy Jack goes to Washington.

Sign in here.


And some of us start with troubles...

la guerra fria

Yes, we are all from different backgrounds and live on.. :)

They who come from the deepest pit's sometimes carry the most wisdom .
Those who met there maker ,.and realized that the maker was the self all along .
Those who woke up and walked true hell will have a good time in heaven .
If they would only be able to walk that far .



What is a golfer's favorite type of cheese?

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