A fun activity when youre bored...

in #ramble5 years ago (edited)

Ok, first i have to preface that, no, its not what youre thinking, shame on you, you need Jesus.

Now that we got that out of the way lets move to more serious things. Ok, maybe not serious, but you get what i mean..
When i go with serious topics you will probably see 20 comments on my post, annoyed folks in the comment section and people calling me a prick. This is not one of those posts, although, "prick" might come up anyways.

As you can see above, i love to ramble. Place words, one after another in a strange manner. I make these kinds of posts from time to time. Not always, not often, but rather occasionally and sometimes.
They often come when i have a need to vent a bit, to write about something that might or might not have a deeper meaning to me. Maybe im trying to say something, maybe im not. Who the hell knows..

In the end it all amounts to words on a page that are cringed at by most and confusing to others. Regardless, I feel an odd satisfaction writing them because, who actually cares?
Sure, we may say we "care", but does anyone really?
If you tried to find any deeper meaning here, say if all "this" was a body of water and you tried to find how deep it was by furiously launching your arm at it, with a finger pointed out straight, you would probably break your finger after going half an inch deep.

Im not only talking about Steem here because Steem is just a mirror of our everyday.
But enough of silly introspection.
Lets leave that for the time when we have our favorite pipe, or some cheap wine, a cookie jar and "1984" running on the TV.

So what was this fun activity i wanted to talk about? I dont know. I lost the train of thought going this far. But maybe if i tried i could find something.... I like to run and play Steemmonsters. Watch some football on TV. Eat spicy foods and talk about cryptocurrencies. I like to laugh at jokes and sing in my car when my favorite song comes on. I like to sleep and wake up rested. Make some money and spend it. Play pretend and believe it.
But most of all i like to tell/lie to myself that the puddle isnt really this shallow and that i just pushed my finger down in the wrong place.

... Then we die. haha. Sry, i had to do it.

So what was this post really about? Who can say. But if i wanted to make a profound statement and attach more meaning to what i wrote then there can objectively be found here, id go with this.

Steem on.


Have fun being a cactus :D

Die-ing can be fun, if you play Mario while holding down the sprint button.

Haha. That is the most fun of all. :D

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Steem on, you prick. Lol not flagged this time.

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko I don't like this ^^^ (make it optional)

Yes. Its the holidays. I shall honor the truce as well. or will i?😏

Excellent writing and very appropriate at this time of the year. Reminds me of @yallapapi minus the aggressive tone (which suits his character though) and the profanities.
Steem on and ... approve lux-witness (if you haven't done so already) !

Thank you. Though the yallapapi comparison id rather not comment on. haha. He does write well though. :D