Random Japan #58 :: Talking Trash Cans

in #randomjapan6 years ago

Hello wonderful and beautiful people. Welcome to the latest edition of Random Japan, your favorite look at everyday sights across The Land of the Rising Sun.

Today, faces, patterns, and… a street.

Let’s jump right in. Let’s enter into…

Random Japan!

Kermit Trash Can
Kermit Trash Can

One of the somewhat pointless pet bottle/can bins, where you are suppose to sort them but they lead to the same bag so… yeah. Also, someone took the cover off to better throw in other trash.

On the plus side, it reminds me of Kermit.

Apartment Patterns
Apartment Patterns

Trivia fact: In Japan, larger apartments like this are called “mansions”. Sometimes. The distinction isn’t entirely clear even to Japanese people, but usually “mansions” use reinforced concrete and are constructed to last longer, whereas apartments are prefab things only made to last 20 years and usually only 1 or 2 floors. But realtors and advertisements refer to all as “mansions” in order to make them sound nicer.

Around the Neighborhood
Around the Neighborhood

A typical view down a typical street with typical writing on it. The vastly different sized windows on that house are also a typical thing to see on typical modern lego houses.

That’s all folks. Hope you enjoyed at least one of the photos here. If you enjoyed more, I’d really appreciate a resteem to help spread the word about #randomjapan, this series and the tag.

Also be sure to turn in again tomorrow when, if providence allows, I shall return with another Random Japan. See you then!

If you like this random photo from Japan, be sure to check out @kaliju’s great Random Korea series. The latest entry there is My Random Korea: Photo Blog #35 - Park GyunHye, South-North Train Vein, Expensive Tea and Unconditional love!

Also be sure to follow @kafkanarchy84, @maxinpower, @boxcarblue, @wllmdnnd, and @mweich for even more random Japan fun! @jrvacation has the occasional randomjapan post too. Also, be sure to follow the #randomjapan tag for more from Japan and #randomasia for random shots from the entire area.

Are you a Japan-based or Asia-based photographer who posts somewhat random photos from the country? If so, use the tag #randomasia, and #randomjapan (or randomASIANCOUNTRYYOUAREIN) on your posts. Also, join our Discord group. DM me on Discord for a link to the server.

Missed a past Random Japan? I’ve got you covered!

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Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.

Cute trash can! That drink machine reminds me of my daughter's experience in Tokyo on her trip earlier this year. She said she could buy a drink/coffee from a machine, but she had to drink it by the machine, throw the container away and not walk around on the streets with it! She and her friend were told it was bad manners? Is that true of all of Japan? In the good old USA, you see people walking everywhere with their coffees, soft drinks, etc.

Your daughter was being a very polite foreigner. :) Walking around while eating or drinking is bad manners, yeah, but as always with these things older folks care about that much more than younger. And walking around while drinking is becoming more and more common everywhere, probably because with bottled drinks it is so much easier to do, so you see it more often. I often see Japanese people and foreigners alike walking around with drinks.

Trash can is the one thing that it’s difficult to find out in Japan 🇯🇵 😆

Too true!