Football going crazy

in #rapharloni7 years ago

It is customary for teams across European football landscape to engage in what is now known as "wealth exhibition " at this time of the year.

Some European football bigwigs flaunt these wealth simply because they can, while some others flaunt it just to bully and render the not so wealthy clubs a bit powerless.

The above scenerio best describes some of football aristocrats, who before now had the believe that they can sign any player from any team and at any rate due to their supposed unchallengable financial capabilities.

Brace up folks, the entire narrative is about to change, Middle East oil funds found its way way into football and feathers are now been ruffled, we are about to see the first £200m man and he is not going to one of the aristocrats, infarct, he is leaving one of them.

Is this a good thing for football , we will together like at details tomorrow on this blog, meanwhile, feel free to drop comments and criticism too.

See ya morrow