
in #read • 6 years ago

When life happens. Part 1👇written by Angela Nwosu . Copied with due permission .

While growing up as a young girl, my father was out of the country, so it was safe to say that I never really knew him, aside the routine calls that we had. When I was almost 16, my mother started to process her visa to join our father. My brother and I, didnt mind at all. Infact, we supported her. After a while, her visa came through, and it was time for her to leave us. Before she did, we all happily agreed to the decision that our mommy's sister, Aunty Nebby, would move into our house to keep us company, and of course, she would become our guardian.

My brother and I, were very happy about it. We loved our Aunty Nebby.
She was the coolest aunt that we had and her children loved us too, so it was indeed, a match made in heaven. We didnt really know much about our uncle Mark. He never came visiting with his wife and children and when he did, he spent the entire time, talking with my mother so my brother and I, didnt have any sort of relationship with him.
When they officially moved in, I was in SS3 and my brother was in JSS3. It was an easy move, and before too long, they had settled in with us. I dont know about my brother, but I loved having my ever smiling Aunty and my little cousins, around. They made the house really lively.

My Uncle was very busy. He was never around. He left in the morning and came back, late at nights. Sometimes, I could go on for days, without seeing him. Then one day, he came back home by 6pm and he announced to everyone, that he had resigned from work, because, he was tired and stressed out and that was how he went from not being at home, to being around, most times.
It took a while to get used to him, but then, we realised that he was very nice and lovable. Then, he used to pick us up and drop us off at school. He would pick me up later, as I was doing my WAEC/NECO exams. He would always stop by a fast food on his way, and he would get me snacks and ice cream. Infact, he did that every blessed day, for as long as I can remember. He would buy them and give them to me, and I would happily munch on them.

He revised my school work with me and put me through. He was just always there. He would come over to my room at night, to wake me up from sleep, so I could read and he would stay up with me, encouraging me or chatting me up, so I could stay awake. Suffice to say that it wasnt hard for me to love him. Not at all. I only love him as an Uncle and nothing else. That was how we kept on. Everyone began to call me his love. Even my Aunty would jokingly say that she was jealous of how close we were. She would lament on how he had snatched her daughter away from her. I didnt pay attention to it, because, I noticed he was nice to everyon, but he was extremely nice to me. He treated me specially and as a young girl, it just made me feel good.

To Be Continued!