Let's make sweet coconut sweet treats today.

in #recipe6 years ago

Let's make sweet coconut sweet treats today. Aaiye aja banaye kakonut ke mithe mithe samose
In the rainy season, hotly roasted things come to everyone (loves hot fried dishes to eat). For this, we often make tangy and chilly dishes like Samosa, Pumpod and Chat. But children do not like them (most of the times children do not like these dishes). They need some sweet (they just need sweet dish) So why not make such a thing, then roasted, crispy and not tarted. Rather she is sweet

Sweet coconut needs coconut powder for samosa. You will find it in all the shops of India (can find coconut powder in any general store of india).

We have used condensed milk to make it. But if you want, you can also add Mawa in it. If you are using condensed milk, keep in mind that it is sweet and therefore mixed with condensed milk is added to sugar.

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And sugar is also good for PC (sugar powder). If sugar is bad, then it is fine, otherwise you can grind it in the mixer.

To make sweet samosas, we have made layers. But if you get ready to make samosa straps, then use them.

Coconut Sweet Samosas are easy to make and they all like it. So today Hama is making sweet coconut (lets make coconut samosa) samosa.

Ingredients for making coconut sweet desserts: - Ingredients needed for making sweet coconut samosa

Coconut Bura - Coconut powder - 200 g

Condensed Milk - condensed milk) 1 Table spoon

Sugar - (sugar powder) 1 table spoon (grounded)

Lentil Chinese Powder - 1 Pinch

Cardamom powder - 8 - 10

Flour - maida flour - 150 grams

Oil - for refined oil-1 mole

Oil - for frying (as needed)

Cashews - Cashew-10 - 12 (Finely Sliced)

Raisins - 20 - 22

Method of making coconut sweet sweet samosas: - Lets know how to make sweet coconut samosa

  • Mix the flour and add 1 tablespoon oil to it. Take the maida (mash / mix) thoroughly.

  • Now splatter the water and make a thick batter. Sprinkle the dough well.

  • Keep the dough covered with a soft wet cloth for half an hour.

  • Take cashews and raisins (cut them in small pieces)

Mix a big spoonful condensed milk in coconut filtration.

  • Now add sugar in the bowl (add sugar too)

Mix the finely chopped cashew nuts in this addition (add dry fruits now).

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  • Mix cinnamon powder and cardamom powder (now mix these powder ingredients) well

  • Now the medium size chapati layer will take a roll of medium size in the chalk.

  • Take out the small pieces with a knife cut.

  • Place a mixture of spoon in one end of the bandage.

  • Bend it properly (bend it properly)

  • Take a little water on each turn and stick it with a dip of water.

  • Turning the bandage in such a way that its size of the samosa (give a shape of samosa) remains

Now take the frozen oil in the coconut oil and heat the oil.

  • Fry sweet samosas to golden flavor on the golden flavor.

  • Allow Samos to be slightly cool (let them be cold for few minutes). After that you will eat the crisp (eat after a few minutes and the crunch will remain the same).

