Claim Payday Loan Compensation

in #redbridge6 years ago

Firstly, there is no legal reason to use a claims management company such as Redbridge Finance. You could do the work yourself and claim without using a third party company. But lots of people do not feel confident, or just don't want to make a claim themselves, so they come to us to help them.


The industry is new and lenders are still finding the way to handle complaints and requests for compensation. A number are being as awkward as possible and try and make our lives as unpleasant and as painful as possible. Some lenders never offered rollovers or allowed people to keep re-borrowing, and for these lenders, I understand why they get cross when claims are made against them, but many lenders did let the bad practices take place and reap the rewards at the time. It appears that they will now pay the price.

Example: Compensation awarded £500, our fee of 30% (25% + VAT) equates to £150 (£125 + VAT), you get £350

Redbridge Finance Limited is Registered in England & Wales with Company Number 10625599. Registered Office: 1 Forbes Business Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR. Regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities – CRM43144. VAT Number 270 5830 08. ICO Registration Number ZA244805

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