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RE: Yellin Yellen

in #regulation3 years ago

All the main structure of global society is based upon connectivity (that includes also political spheres) therefore it is pretty uncertain that such a thing as a massive Internet breakdown could happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I appreciate the feedback, but, I'm sure if china can mostly figure it out with the "great firewall of china", other countries could figure it out with more control.... Like some provisions to block all outbound connections unless it's to an approved ip/service, you knows infrastructure related ones. Lots of ideas to be had there, but a blanket "it'll never work because" is bad prose,... Especially in a world that functioned without internet in most hands until about 25 years ago. Just saying... LoL. I'm sure some gov't groups already have a contingency plan in place just in case a need presents itself, as infringing on our rights as it may be,.. idk, just some random thoughts on the subject. Surely one of the rules of prepping is take nothing for granted right?

Not like a solid "iot network" option exists in the scale to sustain communication and community if the internet goes dark... although there is work being done in that ecosystem, it's far from widely available...