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RE: Russell Brand's Baptism - Grifting, Lip-Syncing, or Just Plain Uncreative?

in #religion2 months ago

Right? I'm glad I'm not imagining it. I really want to believe he's genuine, but I dunno, it seems like a lot of voices in the same pool are mass-converting to Christianity all of a sudden. Which sure don't feel genuine to me.

We do seem to worship the grind and anesthesise with various pleasures that numb us to the reality of our increasingly depressing existence, all promoted of course by the various forces that sell such anaesthesia.

100%. I think that's why people seem to be adhering to these "new" gods like science and the government. Again, you need deity, and pleasurable as our distractions may be, it's just not enough.

If only we could have that without the god bollocks.

Took the words out of my mouth. There's definitely a feeling of something missing, but it seems going back to god is kinda like deciding being single sucks and going back to your messed-up ex. Like, why not see what else is out there?