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RE: Entropy vs Christ (A scientific basis for Jesus Christ Part II)

in #religion8 years ago

Yes, and there are just as many "so-called Christians" as "so-called Scientists". So lets set those folks aside as irrelevant.

Science has recused itself from knowing anything about the subject. Fine. That kind of ends the debate right there, doesn't it?

The problem is that some scientists go beyond their domain and claim that if you can't apply the scientific method you can't know anything. That's where they cross the line.

I like to compare the supernovas that scientists believe to have happened to the miracles that Christians believe to have happened. In neither case can we test the proposition all we can do is study past records collected by others for us.

Now we are only quibbling about how many records, how they were documented, and how old they are.
These are differences in degree, not in kind.


If you can't apply the scientific method it is not science.

Science is not a belief system. It is simply a tool. If the tool can't be used then what good is it to pretend that it can be used?

Science can't make stuff out of thin air. Sometimes people use the word science and try to do exactly that, but that isn't science... it's just someone hijacking the label to try to get you to accept their appeal to authority.

There is no appeal to authority built into the scientific method.

  1. Make observations
  2. Ask Questions
  3. Form a hypothesis
  4. Create a test/experiment
  5. Draw conclusions from test
  6. If not satisfied go back to step 3
  7. Challenge step 5 from previous experiments if new information presents itself

Without a time machine all we can do is get to step 3 when it comes to Jesus Christ or ANY other religion Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism (immortals), Egyptians, Native Americans, etc. It's not possible. For that matter why is Christ right and real, while you perceive these other religions as pagan or fairy tales?

Do you want me to make something up? Will that make you happier? I could perhaps found a new religion because that is often how that happens, someone imagines what makes sense to them to explain something, speculates, tells someone else or writes a book, gee that guy is intelligent, collects followers, is called a cult, gets even more followers, now it's a religion.

By the way I do agree with you that there are "so-called christians" and "so-called scientists". I've replied elsewhere explaining the so-called scientists.

As to Christians. I believe that describes MOST modern day Christians I've met. They definitely don't seem to be following the way of Christ. In fact once he was gone they seemed to go right back to doing things the way the Pharisees were doing before Christ told them to stop.

Christ freed people, and he was gone they went back to being slaves.

I admire the Sermon on the Mount and a lot of the moral ideas in what Christ is attributed with saying I really do. Yet, honestly I believe I live closer to those words than 90% of the Christians I've met. I do not consider myself a Christian. Just a man.

Yes. Sad but true. But God has preserved a remnant for Himself.

“I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” In the same way, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. -- Romans 11:4-5