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RE: The Gospel of ACT

in #reliquary6 years ago

Ananias and Sapphira also sold a property to contribute to the community ... but they did not give it all.

In reality, no one forced believers to sell belongings and give everything. It is something that occurred naturally. The bad thing about Ananias and Sapphira was the farce, because they pretended to give everything, when in reality they only gave part. If they did not want to give everything, they just had to say it. But they wanted to take the reputation of being generous when they were not. Maybe they could have tricked men-but not God. The Lord revealed to Peter what was happening, and he confronted him ...
When Jesus prayed for his disciples he also prayed for us, those of us who would believe in him in the future. His prayer was focused on unity among believers. Unity is not the same as "uniformity". We must recognize that we are not equal, because God made us unique and different; But despite these differences, we must learn to respect and love each other.
From this brotherly unity Paul speaks when he compares the church with the human body, and then gives examples of what fraternal love implies ... Many people believed in Jesus because of the miracles they saw in His Name. Despite the miracles, the religious turned against Jesus and persecuted him, because his actions threatened their authority. The same thing happened with the apostles ...