Wannabee Statists Slam Statists For Being Statist

in #repost2 years ago (edited)

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Lawmakers slam Trump and Netanyahu at emotional news conference following scrapped Israel trip

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Israel-Palestine is a Statist mess of huge proportions. All the problems originate in violent aggression by groups, large or small, that believe they somehow have acquired the right to attack other people and undermine or completely destroy their lives. When attacked and the response is simply legitimate defense this can be understood in an isolated incident. When it drags on for decades in an endless tit-for-tat or all out war the tangled knot gets dumped on generation after generation, each brought up on their own tribe's version of events. It can take great individual courage simply to recognize the other side's point of view. Even then it doesn't take long for the Statists to drag the story back into the endless mire that suits them fine

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These women are entering the fray through the same channels that have permitted this situation to perpetuate itself for almost a century. Whilst such a development, Palestinian Muslim women in Congress, may start a long process towards redressing information and understanding gaps and ultimately an improvement in the particularities of the Arab/Israeli conflict, it won't address the basis upon which Congress, it's representatives and the 'House' in general functions. If a 'solution' ever emerges out of this cauldron it will always ultimately be based on it's imposition through violence as a result of ideas that 'leaders' believe is the best for everyone. It's been tried before

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The problem is that these 'leaders' sit atop giant nations of people who believe that the violent imposition of their ideas onto others is a good and righteous way to operate.

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If the 'leaders' didn't believe that and the people didn't believe it, then there wouldn't be a 'nation' to fight for (which would be, I suggest, a good thing). With their beliefs in mind it is hardly surprising that the politician's PR exercises eventually collapse as people beneath them do what appears to come naturally. It's true that it may be a relatively small group of 'extremists' that actually give expression to the idea, but that's all it takes. Their position will remain logically consistent with the activities of the State however it's configured after some 'settlement'. That's a debate almost no-one wants to have (including I suspect these new congresswomen) .

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It's unlikely that anyone, including myself of course, will properly appreciate all the nuances of this conflict without having been deeply embedded in that part of the World. When you know you don't know you only have principle left to guide. My principle tells me I wouldn't take up arms on behalf of anyone in this mess and I wouldn't send financial and logistical support either ... but wait a moment, how many billions of tax dollars did this article state is being sent to Israel each year? Seems the problem is closer to home after all ...

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Don't feed the politicians, even when they seem to be saying things you agree with ...

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