Meet 'Prysm', the eastern Glass Lizard!

in #reptiles5 years ago

Good morning all! Today I'd like to share with you this beautiful creature which has been dubbed 'Prysm' by @SnekLady. ♥

She was rescued from crossing a busy highway.

You may be thinking, what an interesting snake. You would be thinking WRONG.

Prysm is NOT a snake at all! She is an eastern glass LIZARD!


Yes, she is a reptile. Yes, she is long and thin and has no legs. Nope, this does not make her a snake! Shocking, I know. What makes her different?


Well, quite a few things, actually, but we can list a few here.

She has eyelids and can blink.
Her jaw cannot unhinge, nor does she have venom glands.
She has a fleshy tongue rather than the long, forked tongue snakes have.
She cannot constrict prey.
She has ear holes.
Like other lizards, if you grab her by the tail, it will break off! (This is where she gets her name from, people used to think they were made of glass and were breakable as such!)

I can't blame them... she IS shiny!


Naturally, @SnekLady is in love, whether or not Prysm is an actual snake.

Can you blame her? What a beautiful example of God's creation. ♥



Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!! ♥


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This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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beautiful animal, plus it's not venomous. makes it even better :)

Thanks!! We really enjoy her! ♥

She has eyelids and can blink.
Her jaw cannot unhinge, nor does she have venom glands.
She has a fleshy tongue rather than the long, forked tongue snakes have.
She cannot constrict prey.
She has ear holes.
Like other lizards, if you grab her by the tail, it will break off! (This is where she gets her name from, people used to think they were made of glass and were breakable as such!)

Damn it... if it wasn't for the last one, I would also be a lizard!

Me too! :D

Wow. How cool is that? I'm a sort of a lizard guy, but western varieties. So far as I know all the lizards around here have legs.

It sure is a pretty creature, and bug eaters are always welcome around me...

How cool? Super cool! ;D
THanks! We really like her. I wonder if you have any around there. I was doing a quick search and found the western slender glass lizard, but they only go this far west:

WOW fascinating i would never have known it was a lizard and it is so beautiful

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Aww thanks!! Yes, it is surprising! If you compare her head to a snakes head, you can see differences pretty easily. Many people had no idea legless lizards exist. :D

I dont think I knew there were legless lizards to be honest and looking again I see what you mean about the head

Wow what a nice critter. What does she eat?

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In the wild, glass lizards eat mostly insects. They can also eat small baby rodents, boiled egg, and worms. She has got it to eat wet cat food and soldier fly larvae so far.

Nice intro to this fascinating reptile!

Thank you! :D

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Prysm is beautiful omg.... I love her! And what a special creature, she looks like a snake but she's actually a lizard omg that is so precious * ___ *

What gorgeous colours, too! AAaaaaaah, I love this post so much XD

Thanks so much!! Yes, her coloring is amazing! We just love her! ♥

Wow. That's one shiny lizard.

Super shiny!

She's beautiful! I'm glad @snek-lady has a new friend!

Thanks!! She dearly loves her. ♥

So cool, really beautiful pictures and thanks for sharing the knowledge as well :)

Thanks so much! It was fun to photograph her. I enjoy doing reptiles anyway, and she was pretty mellow and relaxed. :D


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Yay, thanks so much! ♥

I can so picture someone wearing this bling animal around her neck to go on a night out :)

Haha shes pretty enough to! ;D

It does look beautiful, but even as a lizard it would give me a heart attack if it's close to me.

Haha well I suppose reptiles arent for everyone...