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RE: Over 5000 Followers -> for 0.1 SBD or STEEM I resteem and vote your article

in #resteem β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

Logo tiny.jpg
Service don't work... πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
Why don't you do the resteem of my peek?
I paid for it already yesterday - nothing has happened so far... πŸ˜”

Sort: Β 

Hi @peekbit - from @super-grand-ad
I am nothing to do with this re steem bot
But if you want FREE re steems then see
I see you did not get a reply from einsundnull
and that is why I sent you a reply
I use aaa-resteem and its FREE when you ad it as one of you tags
it doz not work every time but it is FREE
see my latest post by clicking my @super-grand-ad

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

thank you @super-grand-ad but I don’t use resteeming right now. But if course you may if you like my peeks... @peekbit

Hi peekbit
Out of interest, Did you ever get Your paid for Upvote from einsundnull or his bot ?

Hi @sergino from @super-grand-ad
I see you have taken interest in peekbit and my txts about
@aaa-resteem and the FREE Re steems
I have just been to your @ and Followed you
I can not UPVOTE OR RE STEEM your last post, Because it is over 7 days old
No steemit posts over 7 days old, do not get paid for any upvotes after 7 days
Witch is a good thing, because it makes you make a new post at least every 7 days
Plus steemit would run out of steem. So I give back 50% of any steemit income
Back to steemit by using the 50/50% option.