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RE: Getting that Curation Gold: The Hidden Power of the Resteem.

in #resteem7 years ago

That is great advice and I do agree. Personally I have been resteeming a couple of posts that have been of interest or I think need some exposure. Although I try to do it just before I post some of my own content. This is just to help have the posts at the top of my blog reflect my content rather than stuff from another members blog. I don't like the idea of my personal content on my page slipping into an oblivion of resteems which I have found while reading other blogs.


I totally hear you about the blog. In the future I wonder if the Steem devs will implement a "Resteemed" section so that your original content is always at the top of your page.

That would be a great addition. It would definitely encourage more sharing of posts and content .