Love Sniper Retention Curation #604

in #retention5 months ago
Authored by @macchiata


Hello everyone!

This is the Lovesniper Retention curation initiative aiming to retain those quality content creators after making their introduction posts. It was observed that after newbies made their introduction posts, their succeeding posts are often ignored. This initiative will hopefully encourage the newbies to continue posting quality content and interact with anyone in the community. As compilation posts are also done, this will highlight the newbies and will give the community an idea which newbie to look out for.

OCD's Lovesniper team will follow everyone who made an introduction post and @lovesniper's feed will be the place to scour those quality content from new authors. Curators will check all the posts in the feed to find under-rewarded posts and recommend them for curation.

Here the recommended posts for OCD upvote for this batch of love sniper retention curation:

Newbie: @n4nd0

When I was addicted to PC games

I was fortunate to have parents who allowed me to get close to the consoles, in fact we had at home an Atari 5200, an Atari 2600 and a Nintendo Famicom but despite that in my childhood I did not consider myself addicted to video games, in fact I think I was something like a social gamer if you can use that term because I only played with my brother or my cousin. The latter was the one who introduced me to computer games like the popular Mortal Kombat and Age Of Empires, although he played many other games that never caught my attention, these two games and DOTA were the ones that took many hours of my life.

Newbie: @ronrronea

Fast Pasta - the first Boxed pasta I've ever eaten!! [ESP/ENG]

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, what's up? Has it ever happened to you that you want to eat something but you're not sure what? How often do you dare to try food from places you've never seen/visited before? Last night my mom wanted to go out and take us out to eat, spend a different night and eat something other than the usual dinner; so she asked me to look for a place to go and I came across Fasta Pasta, a place that sells pasta in little boxes and you can't imagine how good they were. Let me tell you how it went. 👇👇👇👇👇

Newbie: @ailin25

Fiesta, arte y más; familia y amigos (Es/en)

The meeting consisted of a play that mixed humor, poetry and music, showing how much can be done despite the few resources. There I was able to share with art-loving friends who, like me, are involved in many of the activities that take place in the municipality. There was an incognito character there who was the one who accommodated the people in their seats and helped in the organization of the place and the public, this character caught my attention. At the end of the play I was able to take pictures with the artists and especially with the incognito character that in the end I could not know who he was but I did have my picture taken.

Newbie: @marianahurt23

Deliciosa torta de Pan / Delicious Bread Cake (ESP) (ENG)

4- Pour the eggs and sugar into the blender and then add the tablespoon of vanilla.Until another meeting.

Newbie: @tonton23

Boodle Fight with Fresh Tilapia Fish and More!

I have always dreamed of having my own farm, I have small experiences with rice paddies, duck raising, corn cassava and fishing (sea). I was adventurous and I saw that farmer's life is good.

Then time came that I thought I could make a fish pond at home using a tarp to protect water from draining to the ground. I have so many plans drawn in my head so I decided to pay a visit to my friend who had a tilapia fish in his farm.

I and my father attempted to rent their fishpond one time but his sons stopped hime to let us to.

We could not force him to thus the fish pond at home, the plan B was realized then I bought tilapia breeders from him.

But because we had not seen each other for a long time, he treated us for lunch with his harves

Newbie: @elieska

Cumpleaños de mi ahijado Josué / Birthday of my godson Josué | Elieska ♥

Today I come to tell you how we celebrated the birthday of my godson Josue David who I call him ''JD''.

JD turned 6 years old on February 10th and my cousin, his mom told us about the party and asked my mom and me to help her with some things. My mom was helping her with the preparation, all the decorations, food, invitations, etc.

I couldn't get so involved because of work, but on the day of the party I had to help her decorate, distribute all the food and animate the party.

Newbie: @laumil

Mucho que agradecer 🌻 [ESP-ENG]

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you how my day went and what I did to take care of my body and mind. I started the day with a lot of energy and decided to prepare a delicious quesillo, which is a typical dessert in my country. It is a kind of condensed milk flan with caramel, very rich and easy to make. My boyfriend helped me (well, he watched me) and together we ate all the quesillo. It was a little sweet, but we loved it.

Then, to relax from the stress of the week, we started watching a series, it was so entertaining that we fell asleep without realizing it. When we woke up, we were feeling a little sluggish, so we decided to do what best helps us combat stress and laziness: TRAIN. We went to the plaza and did our respective routines together. I'm trying to improve and get my pull-ups done without so much help, but I'm still struggling. It's something I'm thinking about improving and even though I get frustrated sometimes, I'm glad to know that at some point I'm going to reach my goals. A few years ago I wouldn't have imagined being here doing pull-ups and push-ups surrounded mostly by men. I am grateful and happy for my progress and want to go for more

Newbie: @peggydelvalle1

Dliciosa torta de calabaza 🍰 [ESP||ENG]


Hello dear cake lovers! today I dedicated myself to make a traditional cake of my country for my family of pumpkin , is a simple and very rich recipe because the main ingredient is pumpkin, and this combination of the salty with the sweet is very good, I invite you to make it and tell me how it is, because it is a perfect snack and yielding for the whole family.

Newbie: @ailin25

Primera vez en el Canopy (es/en)

Our tour included visiting several places among them several caves, we were in the mogotes of Viñales and there we took advantage under an exquisite shade and a very good breeze to have lunch and then came the best part and it was to go to slide down the cable or canopy as it is also known. At that moment I was super nervous. While we were getting ready, putting on our seat belts, helmets and all the safety equipment, I just thought "Now there is no turning back", at that moment I started to get much more nervous, my husband just asked me "Are you nervous? And I told him NO hahaha but YES and he knew that I was nervous and he took me by the hand. As we couldn't jump together he went first, I remember that before jumping he kissed me and said I love you, then he received me on the other side of the cable and there I felt safer. We took some pictures to remember but I will never forget that wonderful day.

Newbie: @florblanco

Day by day growing and preparing, updating the Fill Up technique 👩‍⚕

It has been a bit challenging for me to stay active on the network lately, but there is a positive reason for this. I have been working on professional development to improve myself both personally and professionally.

Today, I was present with two colleagues who are also great friends at a course given by "Professional Service • Dental Materials" representatives of COLTENE • SciCan • MicroMega • KENDA. The course covered the Fill-Up technique, which is a technique that is perfectly suited for dental filling procedures.

Please help us welcome our newbies! Hopefully, they will have an awesome stay in the platform and they will be here for long. To the featured newbies, your Hive and OCD family welcome you with open arms! Have a blast!

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Thank you very much 🥳🎉💪👏🤘

Thank u so much!

You're welcome! keep up the great work & don't forget to engage.

~ @macchiata from @lovesniper team.