Love Sniper Retention Curation #621

in #retention2 months ago
Authored by @macchiata


Hello everyone!

This is the Lovesniper Retention curation initiative aiming to retain those quality content creators after making their introduction posts. It was observed that after newbies made their introduction posts, their succeeding posts are often ignored. This initiative will hopefully encourage the newbies to continue posting quality content and interact with anyone in the community. As compilation posts are also done, this will highlight the newbies and will give the community an idea which newbie to look out for.

OCD's Lovesniper team will follow everyone who made an introduction post and @lovesniper's feed will be the place to scour those quality content from new authors. Curators will check all the posts in the feed to find under-rewarded posts and recommend them for curation.

Here the recommended posts for OCD upvote for this batch of love sniper retention curation:

Newbie: @karoly

Diseñando y creando hermoso vestido primaveral/Designing and creating beautiful spring dresses.

Good morning, beautiful people of Hive, I wish you a wonderful and productive day. Full of good vibes, lots of joy and above all lots of love. Today I'm going to share with you a nice step by step, the making of a beautiful sunflower dress, which is a trend here in my country.

Newbie: @merlysmont

My three favorite smells?... My answer to the Weekend-Engagement WEEK 203

In our daily lives we are surrounded by different smells, whether pleasant or not, many of which we associate directly with things we already know. These smells can bring back memories, change our mood and even influence our perceptions. And as I say, not all smells are pleasant, like the smell of socks when you get home after a long day at work or the smell of public toilets. But there are smells that really are, not only pleasant to perceive, but also bring back good memories, brighten our day or make us feel that a place is cozy. So where I'm going with this is to answer the question: What are three of your favorite smells?

Newbie: @fixyetbroken


Good day Hivers! I hope you are fine while reading my blog. It’s me again, the ordinary girl. I’ve been reading lately about the story of friendship, and how they become friends. It motivates me to share my experiences of friendship too. Our friendship started late. We’ve known each other since elementary school but each one of us had a different group. Sometimes when you’re in elementary school, the common friends you have are your neighbors or relatives. M & S are already close friends while A, R, & L are also close friends even in elementary years. We civilly communicate with each other because we are not close at that time.

Newbie: @ronrronea

Noche de baile con mi amiga Yei [ESP/ENG]

I was already on my way alone and a classmate who was also going accompanied me the part from my school to Plaza Venezuela which is a bit long and alone at night, I said goodbye to him and went to take a bus, I grabbed the first one I saw because I didn't want to walk or wait too long, It turns out that there had been an accident ahead and we were stuck in traffic for a while, while waiting I took my wallet out of my pocket and put the ticket and my student card aside to pay less, I put them in my picket and then took them out again to pay, luckily the bus was able to deviate from its conventional route and we avoided the high traffic. I was lucky to be seated on this occasion, when I was approaching my destination I got up and suddenly the bus hit an acceleration that I almost fell, I think that at that moment I had my wallet badly put in my pocket and I dropped it, there I had my ID, my bank card, money that I had collected from the cookies I sell and my student card, besides it had been a gift and I lost it. I got out of the bus a little further ahead of where it hit the acceleration and proceeded to walk up a few blocks to go to the store where they were waiting for me.

Newbie: @n4nd0

Fix and some Tips/Reparando ando

As some of you know, my wife @zupasteleria is a pastry chef and works constantly with her mixer and the balloon whisk is one of the main tools of her day to day. This weekend that balloon had a problem when one of the rods detached from the part of the support that connects the balloon to the mixer rotor, the only one she has to make cakes. Obviously, it cannot be used with this defect because it would create problems such as the mixture coming out of the container or the balloon itself falling apart. Since there was no time to look for and buy another one, the best solution was to fix it, so I got down to work and started looking for solutions.

I started by trying a product called "La gotita" which is supposed to glue everything to everything. I recommend this product for gluing anything but metals, because after trying to repair the balloon with this glue, it did not work, as the rod came off as soon as we tested the balloon.

Newbie: @yeez1196

[ENG/ESP] My new technological ally / Mi nuevo aliado tecnológico

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience with my new cell phone, the Redmi Note 13 Pro 4G. After using my Oppo Realme 7i for three years, the day came where I had to look for a more powerful phone with more storage for my work and also to stay connected.

Newbie: @rosbesalazar

Resumen de actividades de Abril / Summary of April activities

I was a little absent from Hive during these days, as I had the opportunity to take a few days off due to my birthday, however during this month of April I did have several activities that I would like to share with you.

On April 11 I had a very fun and rewarding activity, highlighting with my best times according to the strava app for what was a 3km race, with an average time of 8:15min/km, you can check the activity here: 11 de abril

Newbie: @lilsnake

Son solo de adorno? [Esp/Eng] Just for collection?

Greeting geeks from Hive ✨.It's been a while since I've shared anything with you guys, today I was inspired to do this post because I know you might be interested for sure. If you are a lover of retro and collectible consoles stay with me to see it.

Newbie: @jocksy

[Esp/Eng]Sanando, Mentalidad transaccional/Healing, transactional mindset🫂

Starting from that aspect I have begun to evaluate and grow in my attitudes, today I want to learn to heal, when I say heal I evaluated my movements my actions, since I can remember I like to collaborate and help those who need and are around me although I recognize that sometimes I acted from my comfort zone and I would like to explore that topic more. I have been attending the Catholic Church for a long time, but I am clear that in many aspects society itself uses religion as a fundamental basis for indoctrination and I feel the need to be more free. That is one of the reasons that I do not agree with about religion, but that would be in another post that we will talk about one day.

Newbie: @yinjuolu

Oriamo's Top Notch Earphones Customer Service

My Oraimo FreePods 3C developed issues—serious ones that rendered it completely useless and me without an earphone. This major issue started about a month ago when I noticed that the battery in one ear of my FreePods had gotten weak. It didn't last as long as it usually did.

Please help us welcome our newbies! Hopefully, they will have an awesome stay in the platform and they will be here for long. To the featured newbies, your Hive and OCD family welcome you with open arms! Have a blast!

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Thank you @lovesniper for being part of your curation post and thank you also to @anggreklestari for the support of my blog and being able to be part of the list of need to be curated. Rest assured, I tried to create quality content. Thanks once again.

you are welcome @fixyetbroken keep it up 😊🌸

Thanks so much for the support @lovesniper and @mipiano 🤘 we will continue to create good content for everyone 👏👏👏💪

As allways thx for the support 💚✨

Hola qué agradable notificación, y feliz por ser parte de tu contenido que noble iniciativa con nosotros los novatos saludos