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RE: RUN: The Commodore 64/128 User's Guide (January/February 1992)

Oh i remember the old 386 and 486s. But I was listening to MOD music and the graphics and games were better on the amiga back then. I later upgraded to A1200. But like you said, the writing was already on the wall. :(


I think by the time of the 486 the PC has mostly surpassed the Amiga in terms of graphics and sound (at least if you had a sound card and decent VGA card). They could definitely play back MODs (and even MP3s). I guess it depended on the game though. The big thing was at that time fewer and fewer games new games were being released on the Amiga. I really wanted an Amiga for a long time but by the time I had the money to upgrade it was really too late.

yes, the 486 was starting to come of its own. although it was also the more friendlier workbench and multitasking that gave it an edge. I moved to a PC after my A1200.