Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror (Super Nintendo)

in #retrogaming4 years ago (edited)

Musya is a side scrolling action/horror game that made its way to the Super Nintendo in the U.S. in 1992. The plot is a fairly typical save the princess from an evil power type of thing. Apparently, she was keeping a talisman safe that kept "The Evil One" locked away in an abyss. Apparently, she couldn't keep herself safe though...

Game play is also fairly typical of 2D side-scrolling action games of the time. You must fight various enemies through multiple levels. You have a couple of attacks you can do with your spear and also five different spells that you can use which can be replenished by finding certain items.

Unfortunately, it's really a pretty average game. The horror theme is somewhat unique in that there were only a relative few games that went in that direction for the Super Nintendo.

This title was exclusive for the Super Nintendo and has not been released in any other form as far as I know. That means you'll have to hunt down an original copy or be satisfied with emulation if you want to give this one a try. Horror fans may want to at least give this one a try.

The review above is from Volume 1, Issue 5 of DieHard GameFan from 1993.

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