My TOP 3: Review of Project Hope Community Publications (03/08 to 09/08)

in #revision4 years ago

Hello, how are you today? I want to tell you a little bit about a community I'm a member of and with which I've been able to grow together with all the other users, it's called @project.hope you can visit it at any time. In this space all the users do the possible thing to support to us, commenting and voting our publications, the idea of everything is to be a very united community and I believe that we have obtained it.

I would like you to dare to visit us, you can leave me your opinion in the comments.



For that reason today I bring you my top 3 of the week, I think they are publications of great interest and quality. Take a look at them!



First of all we have our friend @busted1 who brings us an interesting publication where he tells us about some people who at their short ages have managed to belong to a very respectable economic level. That tells us that everything we want to achieve we can do if we are constant and dedicated in our efforts. There is no age to fulfill your dreams, so the rest are just excuses. If you want to review his publication here I leave you his link:

Young Teenagers Who Have Been Able to Achieve Financial Success


Secondly we have our friend @josevas217 who brings us some very interesting information, about the possible vaccine to combat Covid 19, as it is likely that Russia has it in its hands but we still do not know if it will be possible to apply it without the established protocols. A very personal opinion of our friend is that maybe that country has already been experimenting with the vaccine in its inhabitants, I really think that it can be true, but the reality is that we will have to wait and see what happens and who will be the first to receive the vaccine in case it is approved. If you want to check his publication here I leave you his link:

Does Russia already have the Covid-19 vaccine? Some personal notes


Thirdly we have our friend @wiseagent who brings us a nice reflection on what we are living today because of the pandemic. Not to lose our sanity and to stay healthy physically and mentally, something that I think is very important for our daily life. We cannot let the covid end our lives, we must look for tools that help us overcome these moments of confinement, stress, anguish, anxiety, among others. Everything depends on us. If you want to visit his publication here I leave you his link:

How to maintain your sanity in times of pandemic?


This is my top 3 this week, I hope you will join me in reading these publications, also it would be great if you join our community!




The emojis used are from Bitmoji





Con el apoyo de la familia.

Unos estupendos post para apoyar. Apoyado el #toptres del día @franyeligonzalez