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RE: Hive Blog Rewards Will Need to Go

in #reward-pool7 months ago

hey R0n, want to come on CTT on Saturday afternoon PST to discuss this? i think its super important, and we are building layer two tokenised community front ends which are free to spin up.
U stake the token and can drop to existing crypto communities, including those on hive. U
can exclude known bot and abuser accounts if you wish and have various ways of excluding exploiters
to me whether we like it or not, AI will be used by other hiveans to add a scam tax to the community those hiveans will then use their own stake to upvote their own AI content accounts for the AI bots that the hive scammer users own themselves.
As of right now, hive knows who the humans are. This is a good reference back to the time before the AI. So we have that to start with.
We can then use these people to verify who the new real human users are, even if its by face to face meeting with several existing known human hiveans who each attest and approve that the new user is infact not a bot. after a certain threashold of existing hiveans vouching for the new user, they move to a "potential real human status" and can earn the real human status via interactions with other known human community accounts over time.

Anyway, love to discuss this further on CTT Podcast on Saturday. anyone is welcome to join to discuss


I will be there.