in #risingstar3 years ago


Thanks to all the participants who supported this event, we are already in the middle of its completion, I would like you to indicate that how could I improve the event, how I could reach more people, although I am very grateful as always for the support of @risingstar since I am on the list of draws that many people can see, however, participation has been discreet. I hope to be able to generate another similar event in which more people can participate, in addition I thank those who do not participate but if they leave their valuable vote, they support the grain of sand that I want to contribute with the community. Remember, is one NFT+1000 starbits prize.

Gracias a todos los participantes que apoyaron este evento, ya nos encontramos en la mitad para su finalización, me gustaría que pudieran indicar que podría mejorar del evento, como podría llegar a mas personas, aunque agradezco mucho como siempre el apoyo de @risingstar ya que me encuentro en la lista de sorteos que pueden ver muchas personas, sin embargo, la participación ha sido discreta. Espero poder generar otro evento similar en el cual puedan participar más personas, adicionamente agradezco a quienes no participan pero si dejan su valioso voto, apoyan el granito de arena que quiero aportar con la comunidad. Recordar, es un NFT+1000 starbits de recompensa


  1. Follow this account and comment: I want to participate, or what I comment above, recommendations on how to improve the giveaway.
  2. If you can vote and share, it is appreciated but it is not necessary.
  3. Whoever wants a specific card can place it in the comment, if not, one will be given randomly as in the winner of this opportunity.
  4. I am very grateful to those who participated and continue to enjoy this wonderful game RisingStar

1.Seguir esta cuenta y comentar: quiero participar, o lo que les comento arriba, recomendaciones de como mejorar el sorteo.
2.Si pueden votar y compartir se les agradece pero no es necesario.
3.El que quiera una carta especifica puede colocarla en el comentario, si no, se le dará una de manera aleatoria como en el ganador de esta oportunidad.
4.Agradezco mucho a quienes participaron y sigan disfrutando de este maravilloso juego RisingStar

Previus Options/Opciones nateriores

Opciones de premio 1.png


2do Ganador Moonthumb.JPG


2da Recompensa.JPG

For which the following prizes remain/Por lo cual quedan los siguientes premios

Recompensas pendientes.JPG

Additionally we want to give random pieces of pizza to the participants as seen by those who participated in the previous post. For those who participated in the previous contests I name them so that if they want, they can participate again by following the rules and leaving a comment to participate in the next draw and hopefully more people can participate in this new post that I am publishing:

Adicionalmente queremos regalar pedazos de pizza de manera aleatoria a los participantes como lo vieron quienes participaron en anterior post. Para quienes participaron en los concursos anteriores los nombro para que si quieren, puedan participar nuevamente siguiendo las reglas y dejando un comentario para participar en el siguiente sorteo y ojala puedan participar mas personas en este nuevo post que estoy publicando:


Thank you very much for the support and success to continue growing in risingstar, the letter that the participant has won, thank you for the special support of @ zonadigital21, who has helped me a lot, I invite you to follow it, it always brings interesting content. As always, thanks to the @risingstar team, and the M4L team.

Muchas gracias por el apoyo y éxitos para seguir creciendo en risingstar, la carta que ha ganado el participant, gracias por el especial apoyo de @zonadigital21, quien me ha ayudado mucho, les invito a seguirlo, siempre trae contenido interesante. Como siempre, gracias al equipo @risingstar, y al equipo de M4L.



I want to participate

Thank you very much for all the support you have had for this event: D. I appreciate it!

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@irisworld! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

Congratulations @alejoca! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You published more than 10 posts.
Your next target is to reach 20 posts.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thanks for adding my name.

Thanks for your participation, take a piece of pizza :D

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@supriya.gupta! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

WOW, Thanks.

WOW, Thanks.

count me in again, please: I want to participate

Thanks for your support, take a piece of pizza :D!

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@minus-pi! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)

Please count me in

Thanks for participation, take a piece of pizza :D!

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@magooz! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (4/10)

tag recieved!

im in again! thanks!

Don´t forget follow this account to participate, take a piece of pizza :D

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@javiss! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)

Please signup me for your next giveaway.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Please add me for the next.

Thanks for your participation and support. Take a piece of pizza :D.

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@urielg! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

Quiero participar porfavor, que rica Pizza ;9

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Claro que si, gracias por participar, toma un pedazo de pizza :D.

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@yeisono! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (7/10)

Aquí tienes mi voto. Espero que más personas se unan a tus sorteos y los apoyen.
Como sugerencia creo que sortear trozos de pizza sería muy bueno para tod@s, casi siempre hacen falta :)

Muchas gracias por tu participacion y apoyo al evento, y si, tienes razon el tema del sorteo de la pizza aunque como de momento entran tan pocos al sorteo, procuro darle a todos los que participan, por tanto, toma tu pedazo de pizza :D. Y muchas gracias de nuevo.



@specialfeelings! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (8/10)

Me gustaría participar, soy nuevo en Rising Star.

También hablo inglés.

Gracias por participar, yo no es que hable ingles, pero intento llegar a mas público, muchas gracias por tu apoyo, toma un trozo de pizza.

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@jonimarqu! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

i want to participate please!

Just in time, thanks for your participation and you support :D! Take a piece of pizza.

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@eldon1! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

Felicidades para @moonthumb. el afortunado ganador de hoy , y suerte para todos, un saludo a todos !PIZZA

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@alejoca! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @zonadigital21.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

i want to participate

Thanks for participation :D! Take a piece of pizza.



@dubble! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)