Dream to be A Star (Part 11): The Girl from Ipanema

in #risingstar3 years ago

Source: Pexels, modified

Metro trains were now like the morning sun. It offered hope, especially for me, the man who was fond of train car number 5.

Every day when I leave for busking on Wittgenstein Street, I was like a company secretary who rushed to avoid being late and got scolded by his boss. I always rushed to catch the 7 o'clock train with high hopes to meet the girl wearing a black pullover hoodie jacket and black bucket hat. Yes, the girl I met on the train the first time I was busking on Wittgenstein Street.

It's been two weeks since I left at the same time and got on the same train but never met her. Was she my destiny or just an illusion? Maybe I just fantasized about having met the girl in the black bucket hat. Maybe he didn't exist. Or maybe I did meet someone and fantasized that she was the girl in the black hat.

I played Radio Rising Star on my cell phone and tried to enjoy some of the familiar songs. Songs by @tlundy47, @unitedduality, @gribbles, @ISeeYouVee, @theturtleproject, @winkandwoo, @grandspace, @ivanc @risingstargame, and others. The indie musicians' songs were fun with their various genres and themes. However, the girl in the black hat did not disappear.

I sluggishly get off Russell Station and walked down St Augustine Street. Wittgenstein Street was nearby. I passed where Maxim The Saxophonist was busking at the begining of Wittgenstein Street. I tossed a coin in his hat. He chuckled while blowing his amazing sax.

I put my equipment down near the clothing store on the side of the road. I tried to play some cheerful songs but the sounds lacked harmony. Maybe the songs didn't match my mood. The sky seemed to keep getting cloudy and I was shivering with cold.

That's when she passed. The girl in the black bucket hat with the violin bag in hand. She stepped gracefully down the sidewalk which turned into the longest catwalk in the world. The whole scene became slow motion. Time was running very slowly.

Suddenly I heard Frank Sinatra singing Antonio Carlos Jobim's song, The Girl From Ipanema, in my ears.

Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes
Each one she passes goes, ah

The bossanova song followed the footsteps of the girl in the black hat. I seemed to be swinging to the rhythm of his steps.

"Annelice!" suddenly there was a loud sound that stopped Sinatra's song. From across the street, Maxim was seen waving his hand and the girl replied. What was her relationship with Maxim?

To be continued...

Source: Josh Hild from Pexels


Mimpi Menjadi Bintang (Bagian 11): The Girl from Ipanema

Kereta Metro kini seperti matahari pagi. Dia menawarkan harapan, terutama bagiku. Lelaki yang keranjingan gerbong nomor 5.

Setiap hari saat berangkat untuk mengamen di Wittgenstein Street, aku seperti sekretaris perusahaan yang buru-buru pergi agar tak terlambat dan diomelin oleh bosnya. Aku selalu berangkat buru-buru mengejar kereta pukul 7 dengan harapan besar untuk bertemu dengan gadis yang mengenakan pullover hoodie jacket hitam dan bucket hat hitam. Ya, gadis yang pertama kujumpa di kereta ketika pertama kali mengamen di Wittgenstein Street.

Sudah dua pekan aku berangkat pada waktu yang sama dan naik kereta yang sama tapi tak juga bersua dengannya. Apakah dia takdirku atau hanya ilusi? Jangan-jangan aku cuma berkhayal pernah bertemu dengan gadis bertopi bucket hitam. Jangan-jangan dia memang tak ada. Atau mungkin aku memang bertemu seseorang dan berkhayal bahwa dia adalah gadis bertopi hitam itu.

Aku memutar Radio Rising Star di telepon genggamku dan mencoba menikmati beberapa lagunya yang familiar. Lagu-lagu karya @tlundy47, @unitedduality, @gribbles, @ISeeYouVee, @theturtleproject, @winkandwoo, @grandspace, @ivanc @risingstargame, dan lainnya. Lagu-lagu musisi indie yang mengasyikkan dengan musik dan tema masing-masing. Tapi, bayang-bayang gadis bertopi hitam itu tak juga hilang.

Dengan lesu aku turun Stasiun Russel dan berjalan ke St Augustine Street. Wittgenstein Street berada tak jauh dari sana. Aku melewati tempat Maxim The Saxophonist mengamen di pangkal Wittgenstein Street. Aku melempar koin ke topinya. Dia tergelak sambil meniup saksofon mautnya.

Aku menggelar peralatanku di deka toko pakaian di tepi jalan. Aku berusaha memainkan beberapa lagu riang tapi terdengar sumbang. Lagu-lagu itu tak sesuai dengan suasana hatiku. Langit seakan terus mendung dan aku menggigil kedinginan.

Saat itulah dia lewat. Gadis bertopi bucket hitam dengan tas violin di tangan. Dia melangkah anggun di trotoar, yang berubah menjadi catwalk terpanjang di dunia. Seluruh adegan menjadi slow motion. Waktu berjalan lambat sekali.

Tiba-tiba aku mendengar Frank Sinatra menyanyikan lagu Antonio Carlos Jobim, The Girl From Ipanema, di telingaku.

Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes
Each one she passes goes, ah

Musik bossanova itu mengiringi langkah-langkah kaki gadis bertopi hitam. Aku seakan terayun-ayun mengikuti irama langkahnya.

"Annelice!" tiba-tiba terdengar suara keras yang menghentikan lagu Sinatra. Dari seberang jalan tampak Maxim melambaikan tangan dan gadis itu membalasnya. Apa hubungan dia dengan Maxim?


Source: David Bartus from Pexels

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Another mystery unfolds.cant wait to read the next installment!

Thank you for your support @mimismartypants. Hope you enjoy the story 😀

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