Dream to be A Star (Part 2): The Long Road of Illegal Busker

in #risingstar3 years ago

Source: Pexels, modified

Becoming a musician was a long way to go. Busking was not a bad job. Many musicians started their careers as buskers: Ed Sheeran, Tracy Chapman, Robin Williams, Passenger, Sheryl Crow, Rod Stewart, Janis Joplin, BB King, and many others. (Read: on Heart).

Riley B. King started his career on the streets of Mississippi. Rod Stewart with Wizz Jones playing on the streets of London and Europe. In fact, Rod was deported from Spain.

And I started at the crossroads at City Garden.

People passed by on a warm afternoon. Not many. The Covid-19 pandemic had made people reluctant to leave the house. Only a few workers in government offices could be seen crossing this street.

I put my hat on the sidewalk. I played a few songs that I remembered from Radio Rising Star. If you played the Rising Star game on Hive, all you had to do was clicking the button in the lower left corner and you wuld hear the radio broadcast.

I started playing Juxta (@risingstargame) songs. I played Rise Up by Grand Space Adventure and Juxta and Crash and Burn featuring The Turtle Project by Juxta. Then I played the reggae song Ask Ken by Gribbles and closed with Growing old Disgracefully by Juxta.

One or two people stopped by and threw a coin into my hat. I nodded my head in gratitude. From this angle I could see another busker working in another corner of the park. He had more equipment and even a sound system. That's amazing.

My cell phone was ringing. I opened it and read a message: "You found a four-leaf clover!! Your luck has increased!" I jumped up and down with joy. In Rising Star, you got a four-leaf clover every now and then. It's a sign of good luck. It would make your chances of getting random rewards after one mission was complete. Actually it would be more useful later when you practiced music. For now, lucky clover would help increase your fans.

I started playing Funky Face by Trenton Lundy (@tlundy47). This was the song from the album Mr ChopChop that had been released in 2020. A new age genre song. I played guitar while rocking to the music.

Some of the audience applauded. The lucky clover worked. Slowly I would get a lot of fans, so I could play on Open Mic Night, Mid Week Support Slot, Busking With A License, and so on. If I was lucky, I could get out of Home Town and play in another city.

But, there was still a long way to go. Everything needed energy. Currently my energy was exhausted. I needed to restore my energy. In the Rising Star world, 1 percent of the energy would recover in 5 minutes. So, it took 500 minutes or 8 hours and 20 minutes for your energy to return 100 percent. Good. I needed to take a rest first.

Just as I was about to fix my guitar and hat, Andrew The Runner saw me. He was a young cop in charge of guarding City Garden. To him, I was a pest to be exterminated. I was a stray dog that must be caught. That could not be happened.

I ran north. Andrew would not let me off the hook. He was after me. I jumped over the garden fence towards the bend in the road. I kept running but my strength was running out. Singing a whole day spent a lot of energy. But, Andrew might not catch me. I kept running, running, and running.

Source: Pixabay


Mimpi Menjadi Bintang (Bagian 2): Jalan Panjang Pengamen Ilegal

Menjadi musisi adalah sebuah jalan panjang. Mengamen bukanlah pekerjaan yang buruk. Banyak musisi yang mengawali karirnya sebagai pengamen: Ed Sheeran, Tracy Chapman, Robin Williams, Passenger, Sheryl Crow, Rod Stewart, Janis Joplin, BB King, dan banyak yang lain. (Baca di Heart).

Riley B. King memulai karirnya di jalanan Mississippi. Rod Stewart bersama Wizz Jones bermain di jalanan London dan Eropa. Bahkan, Rod dideportasi dari Spanyol.

Dan aku memulainya dari persimpangan jalan di City Garden.

Orang-orang lalu lalang di siang yang hangat. Tak banyak. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat orang enggan keluar rumah. Hanya beberapa pekerja di kantor-kantor pemerintahan yang tampak melintasi jalanan ini.

Aku meletakkan topiku di trotoar. Aku mainkan beberapa lagu yang kuingat dari Radio Rising Star. Jika kau bermain Rising Star game di Hive, kau tinggal mengklik tombol di pojok kiri bawah dan kau akan mendengar siaran radionya.

Aku mulai memainkan lagu-lagu Juxta (@risingstargame). Aku mainkan Rise Up oleh Grand Space Adventure and Juxta dan Crash and Burn featuring The Turtle Project by Juxta. Lalu aku pindah ke lagu reggae Ask Ken by Gribbles dan ditutup dengan Growing old Disgracefully by Juxta.

Satu dua orang mampir dan melempar koin ke topiku. Aku menganggukkan kepala tanda berterima kasih. Dari sudut ini aku bisa melihat pengamen lain sedang bekerja di sudut taman lain. Peralatannya lebih banyak dan bahkan punya soun system. Menakjubkan.

Ponselku berdering. Aku membuka dan membaca sebuah pesan: "Kamu menemukan semanggi berdaun empat!! Keberuntunganmu telah meningkat!" Aku jingkrak-jingkrak kegirangan. Dalam Rising Star, sesekali kau akan mendapat semanggi berdaun empat. Itu tanda keberuntungan. Itu akan membuat peluangmu mendapat hadiah random setelah satu misi sesai. Sebetulnya dia lebih berguna nanti bila kau latihan musik. Untuk saat ini, semanggi keberuntungan akan membantu menambah penggemarmu.

Aku pun mulai menggeber Funky Face oleh Trenton Lundy (@tlundy47). Ini lagunya dari album Mr ChopChop yang drilis pada 2020. Lagu bergenre new age yang rancak. Aku bermain gitar sambil bergoyang-goyang mengikuti musik.

Beberapa penonton bertepuk tangan. Itu dia semangggi keberuntungan itu. Pelan-pelan aku akan mendapat banyak penggemar sehingga bisa bermain di Open Mic Night, Mid Week Support Slot, Busking With A License, dan seterusnya. Bila beruntung, aku bisa keluar dari Home Town dan bermain di kota lain.

Tapi, jalan itu masih panjang. Semuanya butuh energi. Saat ini energiku sudah habis. Aku butuh memulihkan energiku. Di dunia Rising Star, 1 persen energi akan pulih dalam 5 menit. Jadi, butuh 500 menit atau 8 jam 20 menit agar energimu kembali 100 persen. Baiklah. Aku akan istirahat dulu.

Baru saja aku hendak membenahi gitar dan topiku, Andrew The Runner melihatku. Dia polisi muda yang bertugas menjaga City Garden. Baginya, aku adalah hama yang harus dibasmi. Aku adalah anjing liar tak bertuan yang harus ditangkap. Itu tak boleh terjadi.

Aku berlari ke ke utara. Andrew tak membiarkan aku lolos. Dia mengejarku. Aku melompati pagar taman menuju tikungan jalan. Aku terus berlari tapi tenagaku hampir habis. Mengamen sehari penuih telah menghabiskan banyak tenaga. Tapi, Andrew tak boleh menangkapku. Aku terus berlari, berlari, dan berlari.

My Life as a Illegal Busker


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Busking is a great way to get noticed! It's changed our lives over the years. Nearly everything we've ever achieved with music we owe to busking: honing our skills as performers AND meeting people that would open their networks to us for bigger events, programs and the like! Where do you live that you had such a problem busking?

You're right. Busking can help musicians to find audiences and get many chances. Unfortunanely, not all cities are busker-friendly. I live in Jakarta and civil service police unit always try te sweep the buskers.

You rock 🤘

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you for your support, @tlundy47. But I haven't got the card yet. My account in @risingstargame is blogiwank. Stay funky, man!