Music Lessons Now Require Starpro

in #risingstar8 months ago

It has been a while since I did music lessons and with the Ego creeping towards the 20% level, there's no putting it off anymore. You really notice a drop in the earnings and especially in the max possible earnings as you do repeated missions. The drop off becomes really steep.

Now, the big change recently has been that lessons are no longer free. They require a small starpro payment to do. Personally, I think this is a good change for the game. I was just thinking about something similar - or rather what is missing from the crypto ecosystem compared to the real world.

And the answer to me was sustenance payments. In the real world, we need to pay for rent, food, utilities, discretionary payments with fiat. This 'eats' up the fiat and creates a cycle of its own. With crypto in general, however, it has all been about accumulation with very little spending.

What happens when you have enough of an asset?

You simply stop buying or even start to sell some and that spells the decline for most projects. Once the whales have had enough, they don't buy anymore, and this has a cascading effect downwards.

So, making some payments necessary as part of the game is a good change in my opinion and I hope to see RisingStar go on even stronger.