Road to Steemfest - My Expectations about Krakow

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

Road to Steemfest - My expectations about Krakow.jpg

Having already visited Poland once I was excited to read this weeks The road to Steemfest post by @anomadsoul suggesting we could share:

Our expectations about Krakow and the social activities during Steem Fest.

So I got my research-head on and decided to see how Krakow differs from the capital city Warsaw which I visited three years ago. This post will be interspersed with a few pics of that trip to give an impression of what to expect in architectural style etc. Unfortunately, I don't have many of the pictures of that trip as my 'then' girlfriend seems to have them all, I lost custody of a lot of our shared media in the break up.

As to the social side, well lets just say from what I've heard from steemians who went last year... expect a party 😜

Warsaw vs Krakow!.jpg

As you can see from the picture above you can definitely expect large impressive architecture and large impressive steins of beer in Poland, but lets delve into what the internet has to say about the two cities.

My first stint of internet research took me to trip advisor where I learned that Krakow is the only major city that avoided severe bombing in world war 2, meaning that the traditional 'old town' architecture is all original in Krakow. This is not the case in Warsaw as most of the old town is a reproduction, although very well restored to its original state. Apparently, 95% of all foreign visitors prefer Krakow to Warsaw. Ha ha, looks like me and my 'then' girlfriend chose the wrong valentines city break.

Warsaw vs Krakow2.jpg

Despite the difference in popularity between the two cities and the fact that one is original and the other had to be rebuilt, I am expecting a similar feel. Awesome palaces, churches and cobbled streets that remind you of another age. This is something I remember from my trip to Warsaw. The old town had a medieval atmosphere that ignited my creative mind, stirring up ideas around fantasy fiction plot-lines. I expect also, that you may be able to pay a knight €2 to live that 'game of thrones' dream, and battle a Lanister to the death! 😉

Steemfest 3 Social Activities 🤘

One of the things I do remember vividly about my visit to Warsaw, was how cheap it was to eat-out. That massive 2 pint stein of beer in the second picture collage was around €3-€4 and a two course meal was around the same price. More than half the price it would be in the UK and that was in a touristy Polish restaurant. However, as Krakow is Poland's number 1 tourist destination I expect it may be a little more expensive than Warsaw.

I am sure that the official steemfest 3 evening entertainments will consist of more than just a medieval feast and debauch though. I'm thinking maybe some type of ghosts tour!?... Or possibly an evening concert in the Wieliczka Salt Mines? Or perhaps it will be a more wild itinerary with the 'famous' Krakow Pub Crawl followed by a night partying in an ice bar?

Whatever the plan is, it is sure to be fun and easy going as the Polish people are really accommodating. Check out this interview with Ola from Kraków, Poland from an amazing Dtuber that I recently discovered called @nathanmars. From my visit to Warsaw I also remember there being seriously cool nightlife in Poland and Krakow is no exception. Apparently, there are more bars per square meter in Krakow’s Old Town than in any other town in Europe. So remember to pack the alka seltzer as well as your thermals because the average temperature for Krakow in November is 3°C/37°F, chilly even for this hardened Brit ☃

Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting you at steemfest 3

All pictures/collages are my own property created on unless linked to source. If you have enjoyed reading about the quest to steemfest 3, you can check out similarly irreverent work on my homepage @raj808. Thank you.



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Animation By @zord189



great post

I get the feeling your expectations will definitely be met, and exceeded! I'm wicked jealous that you get to go, and I can't wait to vicariously attend the party... I mean, gathering... through your future posts. Hope you have a blast! 😊

Thanks Traci I hope so. If I actually make it! But yeah, it will be a blast and I will make plenty of posts to document all the shenanigans ;-)

Coolness! 😊

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