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RE: Less Sleep Time Means More Free Time – The Road to SF

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Hahaha - I'm a curious person so I'd love to try some Palinka - I've never tasted it :D I too will arrive at the 6th and leave the 15th in the morning - I needed some time to reflect on the SteemFest I thought, plus I'm most optimal in smaller groups so hanging with those who stay 'behind' sounds like the best part to me anyway ;-)


It's good; it's some great alcohol actually but, I do have to warn you that it's also strong, about 60ish%. That's awesome; it looks like we're quite a handful of people arriving earlier. It's always more fun to hang out in smaller groups. :)

YES it is :D Well - 60%... I'll start practicing then, long time since I drank alcohol of that percentage :D

Hehe, yeah, get ready. :))