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RE: The Prince, the paedophile, his slave and her trafficker...?

in #royalty3 months ago

Oh, I completely get it. The press and the media have always been notorious for playing by their own rules. At least here in the United States they have been. One time so many years ago I was watching a panel discussion among legal experts on television. One of the legal experts was Geoffrey Fieger, who made his claim to fame as an attorney when he represented the family of the late Scott Amedure in a civil suit against The Jenny Jones Show back in the 1990s. If I remember it correctly, a celebrity had contemplated bringing a defamation suit against a news agency for falsely accusing him of being a pedophile. Geoffrey Fieger said that this celebrity would only be wasting his time, because the press and the media "bought ink by the barrels." Mr. Fieger never applied wrong judgment in any statement he made on camera from as far back as I can remember him.