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RE: The Prince, the paedophile, his slave and her trafficker...?

in #royalty2 years ago

These are important and tough questions.
How much due diligence is a gent required to do before having sex with a woman.
How much due diligence should the Prince of England due to make sure this very young looking woman is actually of legal age and actually consenting to have sex with a man easily twice her age? Whom she probably never met before?

And is it just that he is a Prince and therefore every young woman in the UK would be willing to bed him on sight?
Or if so why does he need Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell at all?
Prince Harry seemed to do alright clubbing by himself...

Or is it old married men who wish to sleep around have to go to the equivalent of drug dealers to get their fix of young women?
The structure of that arrangement would seem to be clearly s pretty bad for the Prince and the young woman.

Questions, questions and more questions.

I don't know the answers to these questions...

And I know that some people say: It doesn't put a roof over my head or food in my belly. So I understand why many don't care...

But if crimes were committed against young girls who could be our daughters, our sisters, or for some of you young blokes out their ...your future girlfriends...

who are screwed up by this sex trafficking thing, then perhaps we all should care.

The rule of law and the equal application of it, should be all of us's business and concern.

It's what makes us a civilized society where our members male and female can walk around unmolested, unrobbed, unraped and free.



You do a great job in this comment of showing what a mess this whole situation is!

Then factor in the problem that we're judging someone for something they did 20 odd years ago on today's new moral standards, or at least we seem to be.

Sometimes I think it's easier if we all just stay in and do nothing, just be safe.