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RE: The Prince, the paedophile, his slave and her trafficker...?

in #royalty2 years ago

Epstein and Maxwell had a lot of high profile friends and it's probable a lot did not know what they were up to, but just this picture makes Andrew look to be in a dodgy situation. Some of the women affected have accused him, so it will be up to the courts, whichever ones, to decide. As a minimum he showed some bad judgement, but then he was still in contact with Epstein after his conviction. He said he visited Epstein to break off their friendship! Why would he do that? I'd be staying well away from anyone tainted like that, especially if I were a royal.

It's great fodder for the media as it has some of their favourite topics, sex and royalty.

I don't worry too much about the royals generally. They don't live in the real world, but sometimes it affects them too. They are as human as the rest of us really.


That picture must haunt him, that's for sure. He must just want this all done and dusted rather than it dragging on.

I can't see him being found guilty, the lawyers will just direct the judge and jury to the 'facts' of the matter which all took place between the two of them, no other witnesses, and if there's room for reasonable doubt, which there will be, they won't be able to find him guilty even if he is, and i don't know one way or the other, and i can't see how digging into what we know for certain about one night 20 years ago, which is basically nothing, is going to convince a jury.

It doesn't do his reputation any good that's for sure.

You have to wonder if Epstein and Maxwell would have kept further evidence for their own protection. Not that it seems to have done them any good.

We've not heard the end of it yet...