Robiniaswap - Where it is heading.

in #rpromo3 years ago

Dear Hivers

Today in this article I will give you a brief about robiniaswap journey from start to till date and we're it is heading in the future and the recent developments.


So let's starts without any wait.

As we all know robiniaswap is burning a good amount of token day by day and which is good for the project to keep up the price to a decent level. Yesterday they have burned around 12000 RBS token.


Total RBS burned till date is 113684 RBS token. You can see the burn related information on their official website.


Yesterday price burn has given a 60% boost to the price of the RBS.


Robiniaswap we're it is going.

1. Delegation Farms.

In a week they will be launching delegation Farms for mining RBS token. This is first most service they are focusing nowdays. This will definitely increase the price of the token.

2. Vote sales / Bidbot.

Currently we cannot see this service in the near term as the service is not possible to implement as the robiniaswap is working on bsc chain and the price of the transaction is apx 0.5$ per transaction. And rbs price is less so they are working on something manual for the service it will take time.


Currently we are seeing steem as cross chain bridge, but we have wait for the SBD in cross chain it is difficult to add any token to the defi service a lot of work has to be done, but soon we will see liquidity pool for SBD-BNB or SBD-STEEM , this will bring project into more diversified model for users.

This are the few development that we are able to see in the near future and this will definitely help the project to increase its network in defi plateform.

I will be informing more about the robiniaswap development and the team. Let see how it will take off.