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RE: Sunday run: Longer, slower, plus fitness apps

in #running6 years ago

I was hoping to get out this morning but instead ended up staying in bed. To be honest I think it was a good trade as Sunday is the only day I get to sleep in beyond 06:30.

Of course there are other opportunities throughout the day but instead I've been doing some batch cooking for the week ahead whilst enjoying a few beers. I don't fancy a timed stagger later as it's bound to end up horribly. I think Lola and I may go for a bit of a walk instead.

My Fitbit watch is pretty good at measuring what is an activity and what isn't. I hope Actifit will integrate with Fitbit one day as it will them be a viable option for me.


I get a bit of a lay-in at the weekend anyway. I don't do late nights.